Frequently Asked Questions about Saint Pius X
What ages and grades do you serve?
Little Lions Preschool is open to children ages 3-5. Saint Pius X Catholic School educates students in grades kindergarten through eight.
How many classes per grade?
Generally, there are a minimum of two classes per grade level in kindergarten through eighth grade.
How many students at SPX?
On average, there are approximately 540-570 students in kindergarten through eighth grade, and 100-120 students in preschool.
The registration fee is paid every year and is not deducted from the school fees. The registration fee is a commitment fee in order to reserve the student’s place at Saint Pius X School. Registration funds are part of the tuition costs to run the school.
What is a late start day?
Once per month, a one-hour late start is scheduled for a staff meeting or professional development event. School begins at 9:00 a.m. on scheduled delayed start days.
If there is a need to delay the start of school due to inclement weather, an unscheduled delayed start will be determined and parents/guardians will be notified through all school communication channels. The start time will be indicated in the communication.
Does Saint Pius X School have an athletics program?
Yes, a variety of athletic programs are offered. Generally, students in grades three and up have options to participate. Click HERE to access the Athletics page for details.
When can I order uniform items? Where do I order?
Fleece jackets and gym uniforms are offered four times per year. Visit the Uniform page HERE for details.
How do I provide medications for my child during the school day and who will administer to my child?
Students should never transport medications to school. A parent or legal guardian must bring in any medication, prescription or over-the-counter, and complete the required documents for administration during the school day. The medication will be stored in the health office and a health office representative will administer the medication. Documents can be found HERE.
Does Saint Pius offer a fine arts program?
Students in grades K-8 attend art classes once per week.
An after-school Craft Club is offered monthly to students in kindergarten through grade eight, and a summer art camp is also available.
Does Saint Pius offer music/theater classes?
Students in grades K-5 attend music classes twice per week. Middle School students in grades 6-8 that are not in band have classes twice per week. Starting in grade six, students can participate in the school musical. Students practice for several months and perform onstage off-site.
A band program is open to students in grades five through eight. Practice occurs during the school day, with additional before/after school rehearsals. The band performs several concerts throughout the year.
How does the school band program work?
Frequently Asked Questions about the School Day
What are the school hours?
School hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Doors open for arrival at 7:40 a.m. and close at 7:55 a.m.
Who do I notify if my child will be absent, arriving late, leaving early, has an appointment, or has a transportation change?
The school office has a dedicated email for all notifications regarding your child’s attendance: [email protected]. Parents or legal guardians are required to check in at the office for late arrival and early pick up.
What if my student will miss two or more days of school?
If a student is to miss school due to a family trip, the parent/legal guardian must inform the school in writing at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled trip. A Parent/Guardian Responsibility Form must be filled out. These forms can be found in the school office or requested by email from [email protected] or downloaded HERE.
How often do students attend Mass? Can I attend Mass with my child?
Preschool does not attend Mass. Kindergarten attends a prayer service once a week for the first semester and transitions to once per week starting in January. Grades one through eight attend Mass twice per week. Parents are always welcome to attend Mass with their child. Please notify your child’s teacher ahead of time if you wish to sit with them. Student Mass times can be found on the School Mass Calendar HERE.
Do students pray before snacks and meals?
Yes, students pray before snack and lunch each day. The school day begins with prayer during morning announcements.
How long are lunch and recess periods?
Kindergarten and first grade generally have 50 minutes for lunch and recess. Second through fifth grade generally have 40 minutes for lunch and recess. Middle school generally has 35 minutes for lunch and recess or social time. All students have one recess per day during the lunch period. It is up to the discretion of the teachers in each class as to additional recess times.